We acknowledge that we are on Taungurung Country.

We hereby express our respect for the Taungurung people, who are the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are based.

We pay our respects to their leaders and Elders past, present and emerging, for they hold forever the memories, traditions, culture and hopes of all Taungurung people.

Principal's Message

I extend a warm welcome to all families of Kyneton Primary School and the wider school community. We believe our children are entitled to a high quality education that is respectful of, and responsive to, their existing competencies, cultural heritage and histories. We want our children to learn to their full potential in an inspiring, challenging and supportive environment. Our families are entitled to be confident that their children will have access to an education that promotes equity and excellence whilst attending to the wellbeing of all children.

Respect, persistence, pride, responsibility, personal excellence and care for others are critical to our children's success and to our success as a school. All employees, students, parents/carers, volunteers and visitors will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their sex, gender identity, socioeconomic status, cultural background, sexual orientation or level of ability.

At Kyneton Primary School enjoyment of school life is highly valued and there is a deep sense of community and of belonging. Our philosophy reflects a child-centred approach, characterised by a learning that is responsive to each child’s individual needs, talents and interests.  The school seeks to educate the whole child, including supporting their social and emotional development.

The school is passionate about helping our children to thrive in an ever changing world. We are proud to be in partnership with MAPPEN, a unique curriculum and professional learning package. This is a continuation of the excellent teaching and learning programs that this school has developed over the years. MAPPEN builds on, and extends our capacity to provide exemplary curriculum to meet our children’s needs. 

Through the delivery of MAPPEN students investigate concepts, skills and behaviours that are relevant to their success as 21st Century learners. The concepts they learn about are:

  • Community

  • Sustainability

  • Social justice

  • Creativity

  • Identity

  • Change

  • Discovery

  • Curiosity

Regardless of which classroom your children are in, you can be confident that the content and quality of teaching will be consistent and rigorously applied across our school.  To learn more about the MAPPEN curriculum please visit the Programs section of our website.

An important aspect of our school is the use of assessment both for learning and of learning. It provides us with the capacity to report meaningfully to parents; and also provides the benchmark data that is monitored to ensure that as a school, we are living up to our high expectations in terms of student learning outcomes. We aspire for our children to be capable learners who:

  • Know their current level of understanding

  • Know where they’re going and are confident to take on the challenge

  • Select tools to guide their learning

  • Seek feedback and recognize that errors are opportunities to learn

  • Monitor their progress and adjust their learning

  • Recognize their learning and teach others

Our qualified teaching staff undertake continuous professional learning in order to ensure that they are at the edge of current educational research and are able to effectively use acknowledged ‘best practice' in learning and teaching methodologies. This is evidenced through our commitment to on-going action-research and specialist consultancy.

We aim to foster strong partnerships between home and school as our school recognises that the best educational opportunities are provided when a positive relationship exists between these two environments. We seek to create a real sense of belonging, involvement and working together, in order to support children to reach their full potential. We look forward to working with you and encourage you to become actively involved both in your children’s education and the various activities offered by the school.

At the start of Term 2 2018 we relocated to a new school in Edgecombe Street.  The new Kyneton Primary School has been hailed as a “benchmark for educational design”.  The school has embraced 21st century learning and ventured beyond the traditional classroom. The layout is flexible, sustainable and allows educators to perform at the cutting edge of teaching and learning. The result is a design that embraces technology but treats every space within the school and its grounds as a place to learn. The learning environments encourage students to become independent and creative with spaces that accommodate small or large groups so children can work according to their needs and abilities.

On behalf of our families, staff and School Council, I welcome you to Kyneton Primary School. I look forward to seeing you around the school and Kyneton community.

Alistair Rayner

About Our School

Kyneton Primary School is proud of its achievements in student learning and the growth that our students make over their time at our school.

Our school has a continual focus on using data to determine the individual needs of each student. Teachers design explicit learning experiences that build on each student’s current knowledge base.

Kyneton Primary School staff are also ongoing learners who keep abreast of best education practices and strive to develop teaching and learning programs that match the needs of all students.

KPS SSP Goals & Key Improvement Strategies

1. To maximise student learning outcomes for every student.

Key Improvement Strategies

●        Develop and embed teacher collaborative practices to ensure consistency of practice across the school.

●        To embed the consistent use of data and assessment to inform differentiation at student point of need.

2. To maximise student connectedness, engagement, and wellbeing.

Key Improvement Strategies

●        Strengthen staff capacity to activate student agency and engagement in learning.

●        To strengthen the school’s approach to wellbeing and inclusive practices.

2024 AIP Priorities, Actions & Activities

DE Priorities goal

In 2024 we will continue to focus on student learning - with an increased focus on numeracy - and student wellbeing through the priorities goal, a learning key improvement strategy, and a wellbeing key improvement strategy.

 The priorities goal

Schools continue to require both a learning and wellbeing goal and key improvement strategy in their AIP, however, schools can switch off the established system-wide priorities goal to adopt specific learning and wellbeing goals and strategies from the school's own SSP.

 KIS 1.b

Learning - To embed the consistent use of data and assessment to inform differentiation at student point of need.

Action - Build staff capacity to embed consistency collectively and individually in the use of data and assessment to inform and drive learning.

KIS 2.b

Wellbeing - To strengthen the school’s approach to wellbeing and inclusive practices.

Action - Enhance the school’s current practices within Inclusive Education and Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Student Learning

As a Lead school in the Macedon Ranges and in response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, Kyneton Primary School is committed to promoting and embedding the Respectful Relationships curriculum and gender equality into our schools ethos, vision and values. In our school the focus is on treating everyone with respect and dignity in the hope of creating real and lasting change in the lives of our students, staff, families and the wider school community.

According to the Attitudes to School Survey undertaken by Year 4, 5 and 6 students, their sense of connectedness to peers and student morale is high. Our Year 4-6 students indicated that they feel happy and positive at school. They rate classroom behaviour as excellent and indicate that they feel safe at school.

Our focus in 2024 is on further developing student perception of the importance of education in their lives. We will also continue to focus on improving consistent attendance through regular communication with parents and students.

Our school uses Restorative Practices. This process is based on the development of a healthy relationship between teacher and student. Restorative practices assist teachers, students and parents to build, maintain and restore relationships. Students build the capacity to self regulate their behaviour which contributes to the improvement of learning outcomes. 

As a result, student and teacher surveys have shown that they work in a stimulating, safe environment where teaching and learning is of prime importance.

Child Safe Standards

Kyneton Primary School is committed to child safety. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and members of the school community.  We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all students.  We have a zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated seriously. If you would like more information, please see our Child Safe Policy on our website or contact our Child Safe Officer, Julie Arnephy on 5422 1855.

Engagement & Wellbeing

Pathways & Transition

The Transition Program at Kyneton Primary School is regularly rated by parents in the annual Parent Opinion Survey as a significant strength.

Our School offers transition sessions for all students, at all levels of the school.  Kyneton Primary School has a strong Buddy program that matches new preps with a senior student who forms a solid, supportive relationship with them. The school has great links with both the feeder preschools and local secondary schools. Throughout the year, there are a range of cross campus activities.

Kyneton Primary School is conscious of the need for transition between year levels and works to make certain that students are placed in the learning community that is most appropriate for them. Teachers regularly meet to moderate and ensure that there is a smooth and supportive progression of teaching and learning across the year levels. 

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“In response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, Kyneton Primary School is committed to promoting and embedding Respectful Relationships and gender equality into our schools ethos, vision and values. In our school the focus is on treating …

“In response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, Kyneton Primary School is committed to promoting and embedding Respectful Relationships and gender equality into our schools ethos, vision and values. In our school the focus is on treating everyone with respect and dignity in the hope of creating real and lasting change in the lives of our students, staff, families and the wider school community."